Ownership of the website and its contents

RITA UDINA · BOOK & PAPER CONSERVATION (hereinafter, RITA UDINA), with VAT number ES36521054K, based in Premià de Mar (08330 – Barcelona, Spain), address Sant Pere, 24, informs users of the conditions of access and use of the website http://www.ritaudina.com, of which she is the owner.

Access to and use of any website owned by RITA UDINA implies full and unreserved acceptance by the user of these general conditions of access and use in force at all times in which the user accesses them. These general conditions, therefore, regulate access to and use of the website that RITA UDINA makes available free of charge to Internet users.

When the user accesses the RITA UDINA website, they confirm that they have read this legal notice.



RITA UDINA’s website is governed by Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

Intellectual and industrial property rights over all the information contained on the website owned by RITA UDINA, including graphic design, drawings, logos, images, indexes, texts, audios, videos, software, design and identifying signs, as well as their source codes, navigation structure, databases and all the elements contained therein, are owned by RITA UDINA, except for those contents that belong to third parties that the user can access through hyperlinks.

In no event may the fact that users access or use the RITA UDINA website be considered as granting a license to use or right to any asset of RITA UDINA or its legitimate authors and therefore not implies assignment or transmission or any type of waiver of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

RITA UDINA is responsible for the exclusive rights to exploit the contents of the website in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Any reproduction, copy, distribution, transformation, publication and any other activity that may be carried out with the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, as well as its design and the selection and presentation model of the materials contained therein, is prohibited are included, for any purpose and with any means used, without the express authorization of RITA UDINA or the legitimate author.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, the modification or deletion of data, as well as the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of RITA UDINA will give rise to the responsibilities established by law.


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The access, navigation and use of the ritaudina.com website is the responsibility of the user, so that he undertakes to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully. The user undertakes to download and use any of the contents of ritaudina.com in a way that does not infringe the website’s policy regarding Intellectual Property, unless there is an express authorization by RITA UDINA of use these contents.

All copyright and intellectual property rights on the contents of the ritaudina.com website (including, but not limited to, images and photographs, drawings, graphics, texts, text files, audio and video) are owned by RITA UDINA or the necessary authorizations have been obtained for its use and for its inclusion on the website, so its use without the express authorization of RITA UDINA is prohibited. Users of the website are authorized to use the contents of the website solely and exclusively for their private use. Therefore, any reproduction, communication and/or distribution of these contents for commercial or profitable purposes is strictly prohibited; as well as its modification (especially the cropping or removal of watermarks), alteration or decompilation.
For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the express consent of the holder of the rights in question, without in any case the lack of response can be considered presumptive authorization.

The total or partial disclosure of RITA UDINA’s intellectual property contents will be allowed, if it is for others as long as they are not commercial, provided that:

  • It is required in advance and a positive response is followed.
  • A visible link to the original source of this content is included.
  • It is clearly indicated whether the text is verbatim, has been cut or modified.

It is strictly forbidden to delete or manipulate the “copyright” mark or any other indication that reflects the subjection of the content to copyright as well as the protection systems or digital prints that could be included in them.

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Exoneration of Liability

Users access this website at their own risk and, by accessing it, agree to use it in accordance with traffic laws and usages. Therefore, they will have to answer to RITA UDINA or other companies for any damage that may have been caused as a result of a breach of these obligations.

Both the access to the RITA UDINA website and the use that can be made of the information it contains are the sole responsibility of the users. RITA UDINA will not be responsible for any consequences, damage or prejudice that may arise from access to this information or its use.

RITA UDINA is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for any damage or harm that may be caused to the user’s computer system and/or to the files or documents stored there as a result of accessing the RITA UDINA website or the use of information or applications it contains.

RITA UDINA does not assume any responsibility arising from the inclusion of links or the contents of third-party links referred to on this website or third parties included through hyperlinks or mentions. The inclusion of the hyperlink in no way implies the existence of relations between RITA UDINA and the owner of the website to which it is directed, nor the acceptance or approval of its contents or the services offered there. Likewise, RITA UDINA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer system, documents or files, and excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user arising from accessing these third-party links.


Format and changes in the Legal Notice

RITA UDINA does not guarantee the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the information or services contained on its website, which may be updated, modified or deleted without prior notice, respecting in any case the forecasts information laws.

RITA UDINA reserves, without prior notice and at any time, the right to temporarily or permanently suspend access to its website and to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the pages, services or information offered, its presentation or location, and the general conditions of access and use.


Data Protection

RITA UDINA, as the owner of its website, informs users that it does not collect personal data from users. Check here the cookies policy.


Applicable Legislation

All matters relating to the RITA UDINA website are governed by Spanish law. RITA UDINA and the users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Barcelona.

All information received by the RITA UDINA website will be deemed to be provided to RITA UDINA free of charge.

For any claim, query or suggestion, users can contact RITA UDINA through the page www.ritaudina.com/en/contact.


Ownership of the website and its contents

RITA UDINA · BOOK & PAPER CONSERVATION (hereinafter, RITA UDINA), with VAT number ES36521054K, based in Premià de Mar (08330 – Barcelona, Spain), address Sant Pere, 24, informs users of the conditions of access and use of the website http://www.ritaudina.com, of which she is the owner.

Access to and use of any website owned by RITA UDINA implies full and unreserved acceptance by the user of these general conditions of access and use in force at all times in which the user accesses them. These general conditions, therefore, regulate access to and use of the website that RITA UDINA makes available free of charge to Internet users.

When the user accesses the RITA UDINA website, they confirm that they have read this legal notice.



RITA UDINA’s website is governed by Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

Intellectual and industrial property rights over all the information contained on the website owned by RITA UDINA, including graphic design, drawings, logos, images, indexes, texts, audios, videos, software, design and identifying signs, as well as their source codes, navigation structure, databases and all the elements contained therein, are owned by RITA UDINA, except for those contents that belong to third parties that the user can access through hyperlinks.

In no event may the fact that users access or use the RITA UDINA website be considered as granting a license to use or right to any asset of RITA UDINA or its legitimate authors and therefore not implies assignment or transmission or any type of waiver of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

RITA UDINA is responsible for the exclusive rights to exploit the contents of the website in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Any reproduction, copy, distribution, transformation, publication and any other activity that may be carried out with the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, as well as its design and the selection and presentation model of the materials contained therein, is prohibited are included, for any purpose and with any means used, without the express authorization of RITA UDINA or the legitimate author.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, the modification or deletion of data, as well as the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of RITA UDINA will give rise to the responsibilities established by law.


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The access, navigation and use of the ritaudina.com website is the responsibility of the user, so that he undertakes to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully. The user undertakes to download and use any of the contents of ritaudina.com in a way that does not infringe the website’s policy regarding Intellectual Property, unless there is an express authorization by RITA UDINA of use these contents.

All copyright and intellectual property rights on the contents of the ritaudina.com website (including, but not limited to, images and photographs, drawings, graphics, texts, text files, audio and video) are owned by RITA UDINA or the necessary authorizations have been obtained for its use and for its inclusion on the website, so its use without the express authorization of RITA UDINA is prohibited. Users of the website are authorized to use the contents of the website solely and exclusively for their private use. Therefore, any reproduction, communication and/or distribution of these contents for commercial or profitable purposes is strictly prohibited; as well as its modification (especially the cropping or removal of watermarks), alteration or decompilation.
For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the express consent of the holder of the rights in question, without in any case the lack of response can be considered presumptive authorization.

The total or partial disclosure of RITA UDINA’s intellectual property contents will be allowed, if it is for others as long as they are not commercial, provided that:

  • It is required in advance and a positive response is followed.
  • A visible link to the original source of this content is included.
  • It is clearly indicated whether the text is verbatim, has been cut or modified.

It is strictly forbidden to delete or manipulate the “copyright” mark or any other indication that reflects the subjection of the content to copyright as well as the protection systems or digital prints that could be included in them.

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Exoneration of Liability

Users access this website at their own risk and, by accessing it, agree to use it in accordance with traffic laws and usages. Therefore, they will have to answer to RITA UDINA or other companies for any damage that may have been caused as a result of a breach of these obligations.

Both the access to the RITA UDINA website and the use that can be made of the information it contains are the sole responsibility of the users. RITA UDINA will not be responsible for any consequences, damage or prejudice that may arise from access to this information or its use.

RITA UDINA is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for any damage or harm that may be caused to the user’s computer system and/or to the files or documents stored there as a result of accessing the RITA UDINA website or the use of information or applications it contains.

RITA UDINA does not assume any responsibility arising from the inclusion of links or the contents of third-party links referred to on this website or third parties included through hyperlinks or mentions. The inclusion of the hyperlink in no way implies the existence of relations between RITA UDINA and the owner of the website to which it is directed, nor the acceptance or approval of its contents or the services offered there. Likewise, RITA UDINA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer system, documents or files, and excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user arising from accessing these third-party links.


Format and changes in the Legal Notice

RITA UDINA does not guarantee the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the information or services contained on its website, which may be updated, modified or deleted without prior notice, respecting in any case the forecasts information laws.

RITA UDINA reserves, without prior notice and at any time, the right to temporarily or permanently suspend access to its website and to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the pages, services or information offered, its presentation or location, and the general conditions of access and use.


Data Protection

RITA UDINA, as the owner of its website, informs users that it does not collect personal data from users. Check here the cookies policy.


Applicable Legislation

All matters relating to the RITA UDINA website are governed by Spanish law. RITA UDINA and the users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Barcelona.

All information received by the RITA UDINA website will be deemed to be provided to RITA UDINA free of charge.

For any claim, query or suggestion, users can contact RITA UDINA through the page www.ritaudina.com/en/contact.


Ownership of the website and its contents

RITA UDINA · BOOK & PAPER CONSERVATION (hereinafter, RITA UDINA), with VAT number ES36521054K, based in Premià de Mar (08330 – Barcelona, Spain), address Sant Pere, 24, informs users of the conditions of access and use of the website http://www.ritaudina.com, of which she is the owner.

Access to and use of any website owned by RITA UDINA implies full and unreserved acceptance by the user of these general conditions of access and use in force at all times in which the user accesses them. These general conditions, therefore, regulate access to and use of the website that RITA UDINA makes available free of charge to Internet users.

When the user accesses the RITA UDINA website, they confirm that they have read this legal notice.



RITA UDINA’s website is governed by Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

Intellectual and industrial property rights over all the information contained on the website owned by RITA UDINA, including graphic design, drawings, logos, images, indexes, texts, audios, videos, software, design and identifying signs, as well as their source codes, navigation structure, databases and all the elements contained therein, are owned by RITA UDINA, except for those contents that belong to third parties that the user can access through hyperlinks.

In no event may the fact that users access or use the RITA UDINA website be considered as granting a license to use or right to any asset of RITA UDINA or its legitimate authors and therefore not implies assignment or transmission or any type of waiver of intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

RITA UDINA is responsible for the exclusive rights to exploit the contents of the website in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Any reproduction, copy, distribution, transformation, publication and any other activity that may be carried out with the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, as well as its design and the selection and presentation model of the materials contained therein, is prohibited are included, for any purpose and with any means used, without the express authorization of RITA UDINA or the legitimate author.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the RITA UDINA website, the modification or deletion of data, as well as the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of RITA UDINA will give rise to the responsibilities established by law.


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The access, navigation and use of the ritaudina.com website is the responsibility of the user, so that he undertakes to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully. The user undertakes to download and use any of the contents of ritaudina.com in a way that does not infringe the website’s policy regarding Intellectual Property, unless there is an express authorization by RITA UDINA of use these contents.

All copyright and intellectual property rights on the contents of the ritaudina.com website (including, but not limited to, images and photographs, drawings, graphics, texts, text files, audio and video) are owned by RITA UDINA or the necessary authorizations have been obtained for its use and for its inclusion on the website, so its use without the express authorization of RITA UDINA is prohibited. Users of the website are authorized to use the contents of the website solely and exclusively for their private use. Therefore, any reproduction, communication and/or distribution of these contents for commercial or profitable purposes is strictly prohibited; as well as its modification (especially the cropping or removal of watermarks), alteration or decompilation.
For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the express consent of the holder of the rights in question, without in any case the lack of response can be considered presumptive authorization.

The total or partial disclosure of RITA UDINA’s intellectual property contents will be allowed, if it is for others as long as they are not commercial, provided that:

  • It is required in advance and a positive response is followed.
  • A visible link to the original source of this content is included.
  • It is clearly indicated whether the text is verbatim, has been cut or modified.

It is strictly forbidden to delete or manipulate the “copyright” mark or any other indication that reflects the subjection of the content to copyright as well as the protection systems or digital prints that could be included in them.

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Exoneration of Liability

Users access this website at their own risk and, by accessing it, agree to use it in accordance with traffic laws and usages. Therefore, they will have to answer to RITA UDINA or other companies for any damage that may have been caused as a result of a breach of these obligations.

Both the access to the RITA UDINA website and the use that can be made of the information it contains are the sole responsibility of the users. RITA UDINA will not be responsible for any consequences, damage or prejudice that may arise from access to this information or its use.

RITA UDINA is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for any damage or harm that may be caused to the user’s computer system and/or to the files or documents stored there as a result of accessing the RITA UDINA website or the use of information or applications it contains.

RITA UDINA does not assume any responsibility arising from the inclusion of links or the contents of third-party links referred to on this website or third parties included through hyperlinks or mentions. The inclusion of the hyperlink in no way implies the existence of relations between RITA UDINA and the owner of the website to which it is directed, nor the acceptance or approval of its contents or the services offered there. Likewise, RITA UDINA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer system, documents or files, and excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user arising from accessing these third-party links.


Format and changes in the Legal Notice

RITA UDINA does not guarantee the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the information or services contained on its website, which may be updated, modified or deleted without prior notice, respecting in any case the forecasts information laws.

RITA UDINA reserves, without prior notice and at any time, the right to temporarily or permanently suspend access to its website and to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the pages, services or information offered, its presentation or location, and the general conditions of access and use.


Data Protection

RITA UDINA, as the owner of its website, informs users that it does not collect personal data from users. Check here the cookies policy.


Applicable Legislation

All matters relating to the RITA UDINA website are governed by Spanish law. RITA UDINA and the users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Barcelona.

All information received by the RITA UDINA website will be deemed to be provided to RITA UDINA free of charge.

For any claim, query or suggestion, users can contact RITA UDINA through the page www.ritaudina.com/en/contact.