Conservation of leather binding with an iron lock

  • Owner: Association of Architects of Catalonia (CoAC).
  • Artefact: Bound manuscript with inlaid lock. Full leather renaissance binding with brass bosses and iron clasps. An iron inlay on both covers locks the book. Leather decorated with blind tooling rectangles and flowers. Handwritten laid paper folios. It is a register of the builders working by that time in Barcelona, according to the description of the first page: “Llibre de las Ordinacions dels Fadrins Mestras de Cassas de la Present Ciutat de Barna. Llibre de cardensa dels ioves mestre de casas de 1766″ .
  • Date: 1766.
  • Damages: Breakage of the front cover, which was loose. Broken thongs and other minor damages.
  • Conservation treatment: Reinforcement of the structure (loose covers, broken thongs). Cleaning of the binding, fixing the stuck lock and conservation treatment of further metallic elements (clasps and bosses). Dry cleaning of folios and tear mending. Read a detailed description of the conservation treatment at the blog post Unlocking St. Anthony’s locked manuscript.
  • Conservator: Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Blog post Unlocking St. Anthony’s locked manuscript.


Conservation of leather binding with an iron lock

  • Owner: Association of Architects of Catalonia (CoAC).
  • Artefact: Bound manuscript with inlaid lock. Full leather renaissance binding with brass bosses and iron clasps. An iron inlay on both covers locks the book. Leather decorated with blind tooling rectangles and flowers. Handwritten laid paper folios. It is a register of the builders working by that time in Barcelona, according to the description of the first page: “Llibre de las Ordinacions dels Fadrins Mestras de Cassas de la Present Ciutat de Barna. Llibre de cardensa dels ioves mestre de casas de 1766″ .
  • Date: 1766.
  • Damages: Breakage of the front cover, which was loose. Broken thongs and other minor damages.
  • Conservation treatment: Reinforcement of the structure (loose covers, broken thongs). Cleaning of the binding, fixing the stuck lock and conservation treatment of further metallic elements (clasps and bosses). Dry cleaning of folios and tear mending. Read a detailed description of the conservation treatment at the blog post Unlocking St. Anthony’s locked manuscript.
  • Conservator: Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Blog post Unlocking St. Anthony’s locked manuscript.
