Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with tapes

Scroll the white line to compare the before and after treatment images:

Architectural drawing, ink on tracing paper (Meridiana Greyhound Track, by architect Bonet Castellana)

Architectural drawing on tracing paper with tears caused by tapesArchitectural drawing after restoration

Ink architectural drawing on tracing paper before conservation (top) and after treatment (bottom). The carrier of the tape (the plastic) has been removed and repositioned back, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening.
Ink architectural drawing on tracing paper. Meridiana Greyhound Track (Barcelona), by architect Bonet Castellana (c. 1960).

Slipping pressure sensitive tape and dirt adhesion on a tracing paper architectural drawing.Sellotape after conservation, conserving the written plastic carrier and replacing the fatty adhesive

Before conservation (top) the sellotape had slipped and with it the lines on top of it, which did no longer match the neighbouring drawing lines. Dirt was already there before pasting the adhesive carrier… No need for CSI special labs to see that! And yet it is so common that those ones who use these tapes are not the kind of very clean and accurate ones. Look at the plastic strips, which has slipped when the heat melted the fatty adhesive, and plastic has shrank. Watch out: since the drawing lines are on top of the pressure sensitive tape, original to the artwork. Meridiana Greyhound Track (Barcelona), by architect Bonet Castellana (c. 1960).

Pencil architectural drawing on onion skin paper (Pies Schools, by architect Barba Corsini)

Before conservation the tapes show significant discolouration under the plastic carrierAfter treatment, the tapes carrying graphite information look the same, although the fatty adhesive beneath the carrier has been replaced by a conservation adhesive.

Onion skin paper with tapes before (left) and after treatment (right).
During the conservation treatment the plastic tape has been removed and repositioned, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening. The fatty adhesive has been removed from the tape and the paper.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” made on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Scotch tapes carry some of the drawing lines on top of the plastic carrier

The damage cannot be easily split from the drawing since the (evil) tapes carries some of the drawing lines on top of the plastic carrier.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” drawn on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960)
Plànol de les Escoles Pies, en paper ceba delineat a llapis de grafit, de l’arquitecte Barba Corsini.

Replacement of fatty adhesive: removal

During the conservation treatment the plastic tape has been removed and repositioned, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening. The fatty adhesive has been removed from the tape and the paper.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” made on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Sellotape discolours paper and causes tearsScotch tape conservation on onion skin paper

Detail image of the tapes on the drawing before (left) and after conservation treatment (right). The plastic tape carrier has also been restored, removing the fatty adhesive but preserving the plastic tape.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Open each image individually to read title and caption:


Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with tapes

Scroll the white line to compare the before and after treatment images:

Architectural drawing, ink on tracing paper (Meridiana Greyhound Track, by architect Bonet Castellana)

Architectural drawing on tracing paper with tears caused by tapesArchitectural drawing after restoration

Ink architectural drawing on tracing paper before conservation (top) and after treatment (bottom). The carrier of the tape (the plastic) has been removed and repositioned back, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening.
Ink architectural drawing on tracing paper. Meridiana Greyhound Track (Barcelona), by architect Bonet Castellana (c. 1960).

Slipping pressure sensitive tape and dirt adhesion on a tracing paper architectural drawing.Sellotape after conservation, conserving the written plastic carrier and replacing the fatty adhesive

Before conservation (top) the sellotape had slipped and with it the lines on top of it, which did no longer match the neighbouring drawing lines. Dirt was already there before pasting the adhesive carrier… No need for CSI special labs to see that! And yet it is so common that those ones who use these tapes are not the kind of very clean and accurate ones. Look at the plastic strips, which has slipped when the heat melted the fatty adhesive, and plastic has shrank. Watch out: since the drawing lines are on top of the pressure sensitive tape, original to the artwork. Meridiana Greyhound Track (Barcelona), by architect Bonet Castellana (c. 1960).

Pencil architectural drawing on onion skin paper (Pies Schools, by architect Barba Corsini)

Before conservation the tapes show significant discolouration under the plastic carrierAfter treatment, the tapes carrying graphite information look the same, although the fatty adhesive beneath the carrier has been replaced by a conservation adhesive.

Onion skin paper with tapes before (left) and after treatment (right).
During the conservation treatment the plastic tape has been removed and repositioned, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening. The fatty adhesive has been removed from the tape and the paper.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” made on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Scotch tapes carry some of the drawing lines on top of the plastic carrier

The damage cannot be easily split from the drawing since the (evil) tapes carries some of the drawing lines on top of the plastic carrier.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” drawn on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960)
Plànol de les Escoles Pies, en paper ceba delineat a llapis de grafit, de l’arquitecte Barba Corsini.

Replacement of fatty adhesive: removal

During the conservation treatment the plastic tape has been removed and repositioned, replacing the fatty adhesive by an acrylic one applied by remoistening. The fatty adhesive has been removed from the tape and the paper.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” made on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by the architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Sellotape discolours paper and causes tearsScotch tape conservation on onion skin paper

Detail image of the tapes on the drawing before (left) and after conservation treatment (right). The plastic tape carrier has also been restored, removing the fatty adhesive but preserving the plastic tape.
Architectural drawing for School “Escoles Pies” on onion skin paper and graphite pencil by architect Barba Corsini (c.1960).

Open each image individually to read title and caption:
