Conservation of racing cars poster
A lithograph by Spanish painter Cidón, dated 1922

  • Owner: Private collection Vergès-Fontanals.
  • Object: Lithographic print, a poster of the 2nd edition of the car race “Armangué Trophy”, organized by the Royal Motorcycle Club of Catalonia.
  • Author: Drawing by the Spanish painter Francisco de Cidón Navarro (Valencia, 1871 – Zaragoza, 1943). Printer and lithographer: J. Ortega (Valencia, Spain), the paradigmatic printing factory form Valencia, operating between 1871 and 2008.
  • Damages: Silver fish losses (lepisma saccharina), folds, dirt.
  • Conservation treatment: Wet cleaning, flattening, consolidation of losses (infilling) and inpaintig (retouch).
  • Conservators: Ana Tourais, Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Read the POST of this project if you want to see the inpainting process (and also see video below, rewind to see it from the beginning).

Restauració de poster, un cartell litogràfic. COnservation of lithographic poster. Restauración de cartel litográfico


Conservation of racing cars poster
A lithograph by Spanish painter Cidón, dated 1922

  • Owner: Private collection Vergès-Fontanals.
  • Object: Lithographic print, a poster of the 2nd edition of the car race “Armangué Trophy”, organized by the Royal Motorcycle Club of Catalonia.
  • Author: Drawing by the Spanish painter Francisco de Cidón Navarro (Valencia, 1871 – Zaragoza, 1943). Printer and lithographer: J. Ortega (Valencia, Spain), the paradigmatic printing factory form Valencia, operating between 1871 and 2008.
  • Damages: Silver fish losses (lepisma saccharina), folds, dirt.
  • Conservation treatment: Wet cleaning, flattening, consolidation of losses (infilling) and inpaintig (retouch).
  • Conservators: Ana Tourais, Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Read the POST of this project if you want to see the inpainting process (and also see video below, rewind to see it from the beginning).

Restauració de poster, un cartell litogràfic. COnservation of lithographic poster. Restauración de cartel litográfico
