Conservation, facsimile binding and dust jackets for Encyclopaedia

Some projects are extremely complex regarding the ethical professional decision making, and this is certainly one of the toughests!
Rather than trimming the original beautiful bindings with marbled edges, some facsimile dust-jackets were made to protect the books, that were also restored preserving all their features.

  • Owner: Private collector.
  • Object: Encyclopaedia volumes. First and third editions.
    Third edition (1759): Two semi-limp vellum volums, starch marbled endpapers, sewn endbands on a parchment core, marbled edges.
    First edition (1751): Cat’s paw calfskin bound, sewn endbands, coloured edges.
  • Damages: Main losses on the parchment bindings, damages on the endbands. Minor damages on the leather bound volumes.
  • Conservation treatment: Most of the volumes were restored. One of them was rebound. Two dust jacket covered the pair of volumes that were different from the rest.
    One of the volumes that lacked original binding was rebound as a facsimile of the first edition (cat’s paw calf, sewn endbands, coloured edges).
  • Conservators: Kristiina Mosel, Clàudia Callau, Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Read the post No gordian solution for the resilient conservator if you feel like knowing more.
    In the interview by I-Bookbinding (below) you can see the facsimile binding and the original binding of the first edition. And in the following video by i-bookbinding, the the ethical background of the decision making is discussed.
    In the program “Ja t’ho faràs” (video at the bottom, with english subtitles) you can see the semi-limp vellum bindings during the conservation treatment.

Semi-limp vellum bindinggs, sprinkled edges, sewn endbands on parchment core

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Conservation, facsimile binding and dust jackets for Encyclopaedia

Some projects are extremely complex regarding the ethical professional decision making, and this is certainly one of the toughests!
Rather than trimming the original beautiful bindings with marbled edges, some facsimile dust-jackets were made to protect the books, that were also restored preserving all their features.

  • Owner: Private collector.
  • Object: Encyclopaedia volumes. First and third editions.
    Third edition (1759): Two semi-limp vellum volums, starch marbled endpapers, sewn endbands on a parchment core, marbled edges.
    First edition (1751): Cat’s paw calfskin bound, sewn endbands, coloured edges.
  • Damages: Main losses on the parchment bindings, damages on the endbands. Minor damages on the leather bound volumes.
  • Conservation treatment: Most of the volumes were restored. One of them was rebound. Two dust jacket covered the pair of volumes that were different from the rest.
    One of the volumes that lacked original binding was rebound as a facsimile of the first edition (cat’s paw calf, sewn endbands, coloured edges).
  • Conservators: Kristiina Mosel, Clàudia Callau, Rita Udina.
  • Other links: Read the post No gordian solution for the resilient conservator if you feel like knowing more.
    In the interview by I-Bookbinding (below) you can see the facsimile binding and the original binding of the first edition. And in the following video by i-bookbinding, the the ethical background of the decision making is discussed.
    In the program “Ja t’ho faràs” (video at the bottom, with english subtitles) you can see the semi-limp vellum bindings during the conservation treatment.

Semi-limp vellum bindinggs, sprinkled edges, sewn endbands on parchment core

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