Course: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation (Premià, 2019)
- Course title: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation.
- Project: Workshop with both practical and theoretical sessions.
- Teachers: Amparo Escolano, Rita Udina.
- Organization: Rita Udina.
- Contents (theory and practice):
Techniques, materials and products to infill and in-paint.
Use of micro-powdered cellulose in paper conservation, mould casting of textures (either acrylic or cellulose powdered based), matching colour with paper pulp, dyes and colorants, colour, light, tools, criteria, un-restoration, digital retouch, tips and tricks for retouching. - Programme: Download the leaflet here.
- Venue: Rita Udina conservation lab (Premià de Mar, Barcelona).
- Language: English.
- Dates: June 19-21st, 2019.
- Duration: 21 hours.
- Audience: Paper conservators in practice.
- Other links: Facebook album, Pinterest board.

From left to right: Antonio Mirabile (independent conservator in Paris), Amparo Escolano (SFLAC, Palm Beach), Kari Greve (The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo), Vivian Yip (Tate Gallery, London), Cèlia Realp (National Archive of Andorra), Zulema Marín (Archiv des Bistums Augsburg), Laurent Cruveiller (University College, London), Xavi Valldeperas (Escoda Brushes) and Rita Udina.
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Course: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation (Premià, 2019)
- Course title: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation.
- Project: Workshop with both practical and theoretical sessions.
- Teachers: Amparo Escolano, Rita Udina.
- Organization: Rita Udina.
- Contents (theory and practice):
Techniques, materials and products to infill and in-paint.
Use of micro-powdered cellulose in paper conservation, mould casting of textures (either acrylic or cellulose powdered based), matching colour with paper pulp, dyes and colorants, colour, light, tools, criteria, un-restoration, digital retouch, tips and tricks for retouching. - Programme: Download the leaflet here.
- Venue: Rita Udina conservation lab (Premià de Mar, Barcelona).
- Language: English.
- Dates: June 19-21st, 2019.
- Duration: 21 hours.
- Audience: Paper conservators in practice.
- Other links: Facebook album, Pinterest board.

From left to right: Antonio Mirabile (independent conservator in Paris), Amparo Escolano (SFLAC, Palm Beach), Kari Greve (The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo), Vivian Yip (Tate Gallery, London), Cèlia Realp (National Archive of Andorra), Zulema Marín (Archiv des Bistums Augsburg), Laurent Cruveiller (University College, London), Xavi Valldeperas (Escoda Brushes) and Rita Udina.