Paperback books conservation. Scouting library

  • Owner: Youth Documentary Center – Direcció General de Joventut. Generalitat de Catalunya (catalan government).
  • Artefact: Joan Ballester Collection, paperback books (or perfect bound books) about boy-scouts movement (s.XIX-XX).
  • Damages: Broken spines, loose leaves and covers. Other damages due to use and age.
  • Intervention: Reinforcing structural damages. Cleaning and deacidification of covers. Restitution of broken sewings.
  • Restorers: Laura Corso, Rita Udina.
Abans (esquerra) / Després (dreta)

Left: Before restoration. Loose covers due to spine failure.  Right: after restoration.

Restauració de les enquadernacions

Left: Paper covers during wet cleaning and deacidification. Right: Covers after sizing and mending.

Restauració d'enquadernacions de butxaca

Left: Books with reinforced sewing and new hollow-back support. Right: mounting the book on the restored covers.

Fulletó imprès en paper couché. Taques grasses de tires autoadhesives

Before conservation. The central scotch tape causes tensions that prevent its natural moisturizing, therefore form wrinkles al along. After removing sellotapes the paper swells and shrinks evenly, without wrinkles.
Brochure printed on coated paper. Digital photomontage (before / after).












Related projects:
A possible solution for paperback bindingsCourse: Conservation and repair of damaged booksConservation of a parchment choir score, a renaissance codexPaperback books conservation. Scouting libraryConservation of periodicals from hemeroteca historical archiveConservation of a stitched with drawn-on cover book

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Paperback books conservation. Scouting library

  • Owner: Youth Documentary Center – Direcció General de Joventut. Generalitat de Catalunya (catalan government).
  • Artefact: Joan Ballester Collection, paperback books (or perfect bound books) about boy-scouts movement (s.XIX-XX).
  • Damages: Broken spines, loose leaves and covers. Other damages due to use and age.
  • Intervention: Reinforcing structural damages. Cleaning and deacidification of covers. Restitution of broken sewings.
  • Restorers: Laura Corso, Rita Udina.
Abans (esquerra) / Després (dreta)

Left: Before restoration. Loose covers due to spine failure.  Right: after restoration.

Restauració de les enquadernacions

Left: Paper covers during wet cleaning and deacidification. Right: Covers after sizing and mending.

Restauració d'enquadernacions de butxaca

Left: Books with reinforced sewing and new hollow-back support. Right: mounting the book on the restored covers.

Fulletó imprès en paper couché. Taques grasses de tires autoadhesives

Before conservation. The central scotch tape causes tensions that prevent its natural moisturizing, therefore form wrinkles al along. After removing sellotapes the paper swells and shrinks evenly, without wrinkles.
Brochure printed on coated paper. Digital photomontage (before / after).












Related projects:
A possible solution for paperback bindingsCourse: Conservation and repair of damaged booksConservation of a parchment choir score, a renaissance codexPaperback books conservation. Scouting libraryConservation of periodicals from hemeroteca historical archiveConservation of a stitched with drawn-on cover book

Related posts:

Flattening under tension on paper and parchment restorationStudy of Books Structures and Intervention ProposalsEndbands, headbands and tiesMisterious iron rods on vellum bindingTape removal (after a "bibliopath")"Smart books" and bibliographic terrorismGone with the windConservation of "The Disasters of War", by GoyaCaracterísticas de los libros con lomo fijoRecuperats els documents més antics de l’arxiu de Sants-Montjuïc

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