Find below the portfolio projects related to manuscripts:
Conservation and housing of parchment manuscripts with sewn repairs
Owner: Can Pedrals Library (Granollers, [...]
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper, by Fernando Higueras
Owner: Association of Architects of [...]
Conservation of parchment mansucript with woven repairs
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Arxiu [...]
Conservation of leather binding with an iron lock
Bound manuscript with lock inlay. Full leather renaissance binding with brass bosses and iron clasps. An iron inlay on both covers locks the book. It has blind tooling decoration (rectangles and flowers). Handwritten laid paper folios. It is a register of the builders working by that time in Barcelona (1766). Conservation treatment: Reinforcement of the structure (loose covers, broken thongs). Cleaning of the binding, fixing the stuck lock and conservation treatment of further metallic elements (clasps and bosses). Dry cleaning of folios and tear mending.
Lecture: “Removal of PET plastic film from a laminated manuscript” (SERCA, Atlanta)
Owner: Private collection Object: Laminated [...]
Conservation of parchment codex with wooden boards
Owner: Sant Martí Sarroca council [...]
Mould treatment and conservation of archive holdings
Owner: Diputació de Barcelona. Object: Archive [...]
Restauració dels quatre iaiets de Sants
Beneficiari: Ajuntament de Barcelona (Arxiu [...]
Lecture: “Replacement of oils on impregnated paper architectural drawings” (Amsterdam)
Date: 7th october 2014. Place: Nationaal [...]
Conservation of sketches on pencil and watercolour
Conservation of drawings on pencil and watercolour of the romanesque monastery of Sant Pere de Roda (Girona, Spain). Author: Architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, 1905.
Stationery limp vellum binding with flap
Owner: Private collection. Artefact: Stationery limp [...]
Mould treatment on documents from Tibidabo archive
Beneficiaris: Ajuntament de Barcelona (Arxiu Municipal, [...]
Conservation of iron-gall ink manuscript (a musical score)
Conservation of musical score bound on cased-in reverse leather. It is a manuscript on iron gall ink.
Conservation of handwritten documents with mould damage
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Ajuntament de [...]
- Minimal intervention in archive documents (Serra & Balet textile factory) GalleryClips, grapes i altres elements potencialment nocius Clips, staples and potential damages Clips, grapas y potenciales patógenos" data-title="Clips, grapes i altres elements potencialment nocius Clips, staples and potential damages Clips, grapas y potenciales patógenos" data-caption="">Substitució de clips i grapes Substitution of clips and staples. Sustitución de clips y grapas" data-title="Substitució de clips i grapes Substitution of clips and staples. Sustitución de clips y grapas" data-caption="">
Parchment mansucripts conservation from Mas Oliveres holding
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Arxiu Comarcal del [...]
Emergency salvage of flooded archive (Gràcia district)
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Ajuntament de [...]
Conservation of stationery parchment binding with severe mould losses
The book from the notary of Esparraguera (1827) was severely damaged by mould. To the extent to suffer remarkable losses on both folios and covers. The remaining folios were so weak that discouraged even a most careful handling.
Conservation of codex, a manuscript on parchment
Cantoral en pergamí manuscrit, cobertes de pell, fusta i bronze. Probablement és del s. XVI. La restauració va consistir en substituir les ànimes de fusta, consolidar la pell, netejar, restituir les peces perdudes (bollons, tanca...), revisar els afegits i mutilacions, tornar a relligar, consolidar els fulls... i un llarg etcètera.
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with tapes
Conservation of 20th c. architectural drawings on tracing paper and onion skin paper with pressure-sensitive tapes from the Association of Architects of Catalonia (CoAC) . Conservation treatment: Stain removal, pressure sensitive tapes removal, tear mending, flattening.
Filter project by:
artwork on paper
maps, plans (architectural drawings)
board or paper artefacts
bindings conservation
fragmentology (membra disjecta)
recycled binding
limp-vellum binding
paperback books
sewn unsupported with drawn-on covers
stationery bindings
holdings (archive/library)
silver-gelatine paper photographs
book conservation
housing, mounting and framing paper artworks
introduction to paper conservation
Matching infills & retouching
photograph conservation
tailored conservation course
wet treatments
ball-point pen
charcoal, pastel
felt-tip pen
graphite, pencil