Find below the portfolio projects related to DISSEMINATION/RESEARCH:
Workshop: Preservation, housing, mounting and framing artwork on paper (Tortosa, 2021)
Which is the best way to preserve paper artefacts? How are they mounted and framed for exhibition? Technical session explaining products, materials & techniques.
Lecture: ‘Conservation of re-used bindings’ (part one), Zagreb
Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings with rolled sewing on parchment are studied.
Video about the profession of book and paper conservator
What does a paper conservator do? Whom does she work for? What skills and knowledge does she ought to have? Preservation and conservation, a field linked to science, history and arts and crafts. The video shows -among other- how we produce a hand-made suction table to restore paper artifacts, with loads of creativity, a feature most necessary to become book and paper conservator.
Lecture: ‘Sew it, rather than paste it!’
(ERC Conference, Krems)
Event: Conference Book Conservation: One [...]
Lecture: ‘Reversibility
in book and paper conservation’ (INTACH, Dehli)
Event: INTACH lectures (#52). Organization: [...]
Lecture: ‘Impregnated Tracing Paper Conservation’ (ICON Book & Paper)
Three study cases of conservation of impregnated tracing paper, with diverse approach
Stop-motion video of a paper conservation treatment
A lockdown is kind of stoping any activity, and that is what I have done, a stop-motion video, showing the full conservation treatment of a paper document.
Lecture: “Conservation of Impregnated Tracing Paper” (Papers at the balcony, Granada)
Three study cases of conservation treatment of impregnated tracing paper with three diverse approaches.
Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2020)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Workshop: Introduction to paper conservation (Sentmenat, 2020)
Introductory workshop to paper conservation (International Archives Day).
Workshop: Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2019)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Workshop: Conservation and repair of damaged books
Workshop in which we'll learn to look at books in order to understand their structure: case bound bindings, paperback, perfect bindings, with or without sewing, hard or soft covers, tight back or hollow spine. Workshop with theoretic and practical sessions.
Course: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation (Yverdon-les-Bains, 2019)
Techniques, materials and products to infill and in-paint. Use of micro-powdered cellulose in paper conservation, mould casting of textures, matching colour with paper pulp, dyes and colorants, colour, light, tools, criteria, un-restoration, digital retouch, tips and tricks for retouching.
Lecture: “A possible solution for paperback bindings” (ICPWH, Sarajevo)
Event: First International Conference on [...]
Technical translation English → Spanish
Client: Apache. Project: Technical translation from [...]
Course: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation (Premià, 2019)
Techniques, materials and products to infill and in-paint. Use of micro-powdered cellulose in paper conservation, mould casting of textures (either acrylic or cellulose powdered based), matching colour with paper pulp, dyes and colorants, colour, light, tools, criteria, un-restoration, digital retouch, tips and tricks for retouching.
Workshop: Introduction to paper conservation (International Archives Day)
Introductory workshop to paper conservation (International Archives Day).
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper, by Fernando Higueras
Owner: Association of Architects of [...]
Workshop: Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2019)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Course: Inpainting and Loss Compensation on Paper Conservation (Leiden, 2019)
Techniques, materials and products to infill and in-paint. Use of micro-powdered cellulose in paper conservation, mould casting of textures (either acrylic or cellulose powdered based), matching colour with paper pulp, dyes and colorants, colour, light, tools, criteria, un-restoration, digital retouch, tips and tricks for retouching.
Filter project by:
artwork on paper
maps, plans (architectural drawings)
board or paper artefacts
bindings conservation
fragmentology (membra disjecta)
recycled binding
limp-vellum binding
paperback books
sewn unsupported with drawn-on covers
stationery bindings
holdings (archive/library)
silver-gelatine paper photographs
book conservation
housing, mounting and framing paper artworks
introduction to paper conservation
Matching infills & retouching
photograph conservation
tailored conservation course
wet treatments
ball-point pen
charcoal, pastel
felt-tip pen
graphite, pencil